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Melnikov G.P.- Systemology and Linguistic Aspects of Cybernetics

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Introduction to the Series

The subject of cybernetics is quickly growing and there now exists a vast amount of information on all aspects of this broad-based set of disciplines. The phrase "set of disciplines" is intended to imply that cybernetics and all the approaches to artificial (or machine) intelligence have a near identical view-point. Furthermore, systems analysis, systems theory and operational research often have a great deal in common with (and are in fact not always discernibly different from) what is meant by cybernetics, as far as this series is concerned: inevitably, computer science is bound to be involved also.
The fields of application are virtually unlimited and applications are discovered in the investigation or modelling of any complex system. The most obvious applications have been in the construction of artificially intelligent systems, the brain and nervous system, and socio-economic systems. This can be achieved through either simulation (copying as exactly as possible) or synthesis (achieving the same or better end result by any means whatsoever).
The range of applications today has become so broad it now includes such subjects as aesthetics, history and architecture. Modelling can be carried out by computer programs, special purpose models (analog, mathematical, statistical, etc.), and automata of various kinds, including neural nets and TOTES. All that is required of the system to be studied is that it be complex, dynamic, and capable of "learning" and also have feedback or feedforward or both.
This is an international series.


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