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МГУ-ЛОКЛЛ:: Библиография основных работ А.А. Поликарпова за последние годы

Библиография  основных работ А.А. Поликарпова 

за последние годы


On the Model of Word Life Cycle // Koehler, R., Rieger, B. (eds.) Contributions to Quantitative Linguistics.- Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1993. - Pp. 53-66. 

(with Kurlov V.J.)
Stilistika, semantika, grammatika: opyt analiza sistemnykh vzaimosvjazej (Stylistics, Semantics, Grammar: An Attempt of System Interdependences Analysis) // Voprosy jazykoznanija, N.1, 1994. - Pp. 62-75. (In Russian).

Zakonomernosti zhiznennogo tsikla slova i evoljutsija jazyka. Stat'ja 1. Modelirovanie osnovnyh sistemnyh sootnoshenij (Regularities of Word Life Cycle and Language Evolution. Paper 1) // Russkij filologicheskij vestnik. Vol. 79. N.1. - Moscow: Moskovskij litsej, 1994. - Pp. 85-100. (In Russian).

Zakonomernosti zhiznennogo tsikla slova i evoljutsija jazyka. Stat'ja 2. Teorija i eksperiment (Regularities of Word Life Cycle and Language Evolution. Paper 2) // Russkij filologicheskij vestnik. Vol. 80., N.1.- Moskva: Mosk. litsej, 1995. - Pp. 77-92. (In Russian).

(with Kukushkina O.V.)
DicTUM-1 - A System for Dictionary-Text Universal Manipulations konferentsija v MGU i ISAA and Analysis // XI International Conference "History and Computing", Moscow, Moscow State University, August 20-24 1996. - Pp. 50-52.

Analiz stanovlenija terminovedenija kak nauchnaja problema (Analysis of Terminology Formation as Scientific Problem) // Russkij filologicheskij vestnik. Vol.81., N.1. - M.: Moskovskij Litsej, 1996. - Pp. 105-113. (In Russian).

(with Kolodjazhnaja L.I.)
Sistemno-kvantitativnoe issledovanie russkoj sinonimii. (System-Quantitative Study of Russian Synonymy) // Al'manah "Govor". Part 1. D. - Syktyvkar: Syktyvkar State University, 1997. (In Russian).

(with V.V.Bogdanov and O.S.Krjukova)
Khronologicheskij morfemno-slovoobrazovatel'nyj slovar' russkogo jazyka: sozdanie bazy dannyh i ee sistemno-kvantitativnyj analiz (Chronological Morphemic-Wordformational Dictionary of Russian Language: Building of the Data Base and its System-Quantitative Analysis) // Voprosy obshego, sravnitel'no-istoricheskogo, sopostavitel'nogojazykoznanija. N.2. - M.: Moskovskij litsej,
1998. - Pp. 172-184. (In Russian).

Cyclic Processes in Lexical System: Modelling and Experimental Study. (Doctoral dissertation in General Linguistics). - Moscow, 1998. (In Russian). 

Cyclic Processes in Lexical System: Modelling and Experimental Study. (An autoabstract of the Doctoral dissertation in General Linguistics). - Moscow, 1998. (In Russian). 

Cognitive Model of Lexical System Evolutions and its Verification // Human Language (HumLang) electronic bulletin (list) www.philol.msu.ru/~humlang/ - Moscow, 1999.

Menzerath's Law for Morphemic Structures of Words: A Hypothesis for the Evolutionary Mechanism of its Arising and its Testing // Abstracts of Papers from Qualico'2000 - 4th Quantitative Linguistics Conference (Prague, 24-26 August 2000). - Prague, 2000.

(With D.V. Khmelev). Basic Assumption of Sign's Life Cycle for Mathematical Modelling of Language System Evolution // Abstracts of Papers from Qualico'2000 - 4th Quantitative Linguistics Conference (Prague, 24-26 August 2000). - Prague, 2000.

Regularities of New Words Generation: Modelling of the Process and its Experimental Study // Festschrift on the Occasion of 70th Anniversary of George G. Silnitski. - Smolensk, 2000. (In Russian).

(With Vinogradova V.B., Kukushkina O.V., Savchuk S.O.)
Komp'juternyj korpus tekstov russkih gazet kontsa 20-go veka: sozdanie, kategorizatsija, avtomatizirovannyj analiz jazykovyh osobennostej // RUSSKIJ JAZYK: ISTORICHESKIE SUD'BY I SOVREMENNOST'. Mezhdunarodnyj kongress - Moskva, Lomonosov Moscow State University, March 13-16, 2001. Trudy i materialy. - Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2001. (In Russian).

(With Vinogradova V.B., Kukushkina O.V., Savchuk S.O.)
Komp'juternyj korpus tekstov russkih gazet kontsa 20-go veka: sozdanie, kategorizatsija, avtomatizirovannyj analiz jazykovyh osobennostej. A Monograph. - Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2001 (in press) (In Russian).

Cyclic Processes in the Evolution of Human Language. (A forthcoming monograph). (In Russian).

Когнитивное моделирование циклических процессов в становлении лексической системы языка. - М., 2002

создан и поддерживается А.А.Поликарповым

Last updated 10.04.02