You are welcome to the scoring of Georgian synonyms.
Your participation is very important for improving the dictionary of Georgian-English synonyms.
Guidelines for synonyms scoring

First Register or Login.
Then you will see Form1.
If you do not have Georgian keyboard press Keyboard
Enter whole word or the first letters of the Georgian word for which you want to find synonyms.
You will see the table (Form2)
Column 1 (GwordA) – the first word of the synonymous pair
Column 2 (Ewords) – English words which are translation of both GwordA and GwordB
Column 3 (GwordB) – the second word of the synonymous pair
Column 4 (+/?/-) – your choice.
If you consider GwordA and GwordB to be synonyms, check the first (+) button.
If you are not aware of them to be synonyms, check the second (?) button
If you know GwordA and GwordB are not synonyms, check the third (-) button
Column 4 (Score) shows the score of the pair of synonyms. The score is calculated as sum of (+) marks – sum of (-) marks.
Your choice will be added/subtracted from the score.
When you finish checking, press OK button. You will be redirected to Form1.
Thank you.