Направления, течения >> Эстетические концепции 1920-х гг. >> Литературный фронт >> Literary Front

Declaration of the Writers' Union Literaturnyj Front (Literary Front)

In the broad groups of the intelligentsia, formerly hostile to the proletarian revolution, a sudden change of moods, sometimes of world view, takes place in connection with the incontestable victories of the proletariat .

It is typical to proletarian revolution when the spiritual leaders, the writers particularly, considering themselves the progressive forces of the intelligentsia, dog the conservative masses` steps. Though we greet the spiritual change of the intelligentsia at whole, we should having appreciate the work of the leaders of the intelligentsia carefully and strictly critically. This people who at best was apart when the black days begun to Russia now is changing its masks and colours and is trying to speak communist`s language in order to be not loser at a later time.

So the new danger is growing – the danger of the dominant influence of a spiritual lower-middle class in the literature. In one's time there are many representatives of the groups of the intelligentsia were going in Arts under the banner of the struggle against a lower-middle class who put into practice the  purely individualistic and pointless revolutionary tendency, peculiar to them. The organization of the struggle with the bourgeois ideology in all its kinds ought to pass into the hands of those who stand firmly on the platform of the revolutionary marxism. The base of the whole work of the «Literary Front» is the deepening and widening of the influence 
of a revolutionary marxism in Arts.

«Literary Front» does not put on its banner the groundless negation of Arts as a whole, but tries to liberate Arts from these methods, forms and moods, which does not correspond to the new perception of life, supporting the all kinds of creative work, replying to the new communistic construction with content and form.

«Literary Front» does not put on its banner the groundless negation of Arts as a whole, but tries to liberate Arts from these methods, forms and moods, which does not correspond to new perception of the life, supporting the all kinds of creative work, replying to the new communistic construction with content and form.

For this «Literary Front» investigates all tendencies, already determined but and undetermined yet, and uses these developed by them elements of the living healthy creative work. From this point of view the «Literary Front» uses the long experience of classic literature and achievments of all latest tendencies of Arts. For this «Literary Front» investigates all tendencies, already determined but and undetermined yet, and uses these developed by them elements of the living healthy creative work. From this point of view the «Literary Front» uses the long experience of classic literature and achievments of all latest tendencies of Arts.

We are only the instigators, the initiative group of the future union of the writers.

We do not put boundaries in the choice of the forms, our aim is an organizing struggle for the communism by the united front, not a partisan warfare.

All future members of our union will be rafted by the robust discipline of the common aim.

Calling upon to our ranks all the writers-communists and sympathizers, we peculiarly rely on the strong ,original, waking up only forces of the workers and peasants, future creators of the literature.

V. Friche, N. Mestcheryakova, A. Lunacharsky, N. Bukharin, Mikh. Pokrovsky, Angarsky,
V. Polonsky, V. Popov (Dubovskoy), V. Mordvinkin, K. Novitsky, Iv. Filippchenko,
V. Veshnev, Ye. Khersonskaya, Mikh. Shimkevich, K. Lavrova,
V. Kirillov, M.V. Morozov, Rossinsky, N. Kuz`ko-Muzin, O. Litovsky, S. Basov-Verkhoyantzev,
A. Seraphimovich, P. Kogan, M. Gerasimov, V. Meyerkhold,
S. Lopashev, I. Kasatkin, G. Ustinov, Chizhevsky, N. Povarov.
To apply for information to comrade M. Shimkevich the secretary of the Temporary Central Bureau – Press House.
«Gorn» («The Horn»), vol. 5, p. 94.