

1) For our previous attempts to analyse possible mechanism of analytisation or, on the contrary, synthetisation of language structure (including vocabulary) see [Polikarpov 1976; 1979]. 


2) For a more detailed analysis of these data see [Polikarpov, 1999; Polikarpov a.o., 1999]. 


3) Initial testing is understood as the checking of the most general fact of dependence of polysemy of words on their age, presented by consecutive growth of polysemy with time followed by slow-down in the growth tempo and even by possible reduction of polysemy at the very end of word's life time. 


4) These data were selected and analysed in co-operation with A.V. Andreevskaya. For more information see [Polikarpov a.o., 1999]. 


5) For more details on a "pure" unit of lexical system (called hyperlexeme) see [Boroda, Polikarpov, 1988; Karimova 1989; Karimova, Polikarpov, 1989]. 


6) The research was conducted in co-operation with Ya.V. Perezhogina at the Department for Theoretical and Computational Linguistics of Moscow University. 


7) For a more detailed consideration of the problem of conditioning of stylistic markedness of vocabulary by its other systemic characteristics (such as explanation of local deviations from the general trend in the relation between the degree of markedness of meanings and polysemy status of words they belong to) see [Polikarpov, Kurlov, 1994; Kolodyazhnaya, Polikarpov, 1994].